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Green Week: We Are Era teams across Europe embrace sustainability

May 22, 2024


To mark Earth Day, We Are Era's teams across the continent have been engaged in a variety of activities aimed at promoting sustainability and sharing practical tips for a greener lifestyle. Our Green Team at ERA has initiated hands-on workshops, Learning Lunches, team events and more. As a modern company moving in the fields of digital marketing, media and content creation, we highly value raising awareness for how much different online outlets have an effect on our environment, but also to embrace acts of a sustainable working culture.

Pants & Plants Swap Party

One of the Green Week's highlights was a "Pants & Plants Swap Party", where team members were able to not only trade their once beloved clothing items but also plants for fresh greenery. Next to cool drinks, Çiğ Köfte, and vegan pistachio cupcakes, we set up a cozy atmosphere on our headquarter's rooftop to create the best scenery for our colleague Fabian's sustainability quiz and the musical performance of Anna Yuna. Countless clothing items have been swapped or donated to Berlin's "Bahnhofsmission".

Hands-On Fashion Upcycling

In order to further take a stand against clothing waste and be hands-on, we organized fashion upcycling workshops, turning old jeans, tops and more into new fashionable items. Other activities of our Green Week included a step challenge that resulted in more than 600,000 steps, vegan lunches as well as helping save 2.5 tons of food together with "RECUP", an organization dedicated to recover unsold food.

As part of our internal workshop series called Learning Lunch, we further covered topics such as fast and slow fashion: Our colleague Patricia Llacer and Tabby Bunyan from "re-considered" shared useful upcycling hacks and ideas on how to recycle your fabric leftovers. Another Learning Lunch by our colleague Tara Todorovic centered on "Vegan Living", teaching us how to easily change up recipes to make them vegan.


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