Business Partner Principles

As of: December 2022

Economic success and good corporate citizenship are inseparable objectives of our company. As such, responsible and ethical behavior toward employees, business partners, society and the environment are integral parts of our company’s value system and are formalized in our Code of Conduct.

Complying with laws and regulations, as well as with International Conventions stating universally recognized rights and values such as the United Nations (UN) Global Compact or the ILO standards, is a matter of course for us in our business activities.

This commitment must also be reflected in the relationships we maintain with business partners. The continuity and further development of successful business relationships depend to a large extent on a shared commitment to integrity and social responsibility.

We therefore expect from our business partners that they comply with the minimum requirements laid down in the We Are Era Business Partner Principles. We thank our business partners who share our commitment to responsible and ethical business conduct.



Our business partners shall...

- adhere to applicable laws at the local, national and international level. The following areas are of particular importance: antitrust and competition laws, insider trading laws, foreign trade regulations, protection of intellectual property, data protection laws.

- condemn any form of corruption and bribery.

- condemn any form of fraud toward We Are Era and third parties.

- conduct their business and perform financial reporting with integrity.

- disclose potential or actual conflicts of interest in dealing with We Are Era’s operations and resolve these as quickly as possible.

- protect confidential information from unauthorized disclosure and misuse, just as they shall protect We Are Era’s reputation when making public statements.

- use information provided to them by We Are Era exclusively to fulfill their tasks within the scope of providing services for us and shall protect it from internal and external misuse.


Our business partners shall…

- respect and support the protection of universally recognized human rights and make sure that they are not complicit in violations of human rights.

- not use or tolerate any form of forced or child labor.

- adhere to the statutory regulations on fair working conditions, including those on payment,

- working hours and the protection of privacy.

- provide a workplace environment that does not allow for discrimination.

- protect the health and safety of their employees in the workplace.



- Our business partners shall consider climate protection as well as the responsible use of natural resources as important parts of their corporate responsibility.



- Our business partners shall use best efforts to ensure that they and their own business partners, who they appoint to work for or on behalf of We Are Era, are familiar with the minimum requirements of the We Are Era Business Partner Principles and observe these.