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Strong personalities with a clear stance - that is what makes up the “Jäger & Sammler” team. They bring injustice into the spotlight and they’re not afraid to offend.

Jäger & Sammler

Journalistic format on Instagram

The Story

funk wanted to address a young target group with a journalistic policy format. Together with the editorial team at Frontal21, we developed “Jäger & Sammler” - an investigative online format that had a clear goal: to inform, confront and reveal. A team of hosts and authors dedicated themselves to the socially relevant topics and burning questions asked by their community: Why is it so difficult to ban neo-Nazi concerts? Do our used clothing donations really reach those in need?

Every week the format is dedicated to a new topic, built up with videos and infographics on Facebook and Instagram. Our teams delivered in-depth research, tracked down relevant experts and uncovered grievances. The politically and socially critical topics led to an informative and confrontational exchange with our community. The interaction with the users was an essential part of the editorial work and was instrumental in the success of “Jäger & Sammler”.

“Jäger & Sammler” was one of the first journalistic and investigative youth formats and was honoured with numerous prizes. Most recently, the project was nominated twice for the Grimme Prize 2020.


funk (ARD/ZDF)


European Civis Media Award '19
Grimme Award Nomination '17 & '18

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